Welcome to the Wake Forest Chapter of the American Association of University Professors (WFU AAUP), a place to find information and perspectives on the rights and responsibilities of faculty and news about the status of the profession, among other things.
WFU AAUP embraces the mission of the national American Association of University Professors (AAUP) which advances academic freedom and shared governance; defines fundamental professional values and standards for higher education; promotes the economic security of faculty, academic professionals, graduate students, post‐doctoral fellows, and all those engaged in teaching and research in higher education, helps the higher-education community organize to make our goals a reality; advocates for higher education’s contribution to the common good.
There is plenty to do and your participation is crucial. Please bring your concerns to the meetings or send them to aaup.wfu@gmail.com.
The Mission of the Wake Forest Chapter of the AAUP
Our mission is to promote and uphold AAUP principles on faculty rights and responsibilities, particularly the principles of shared governance and academic freedom.
We are committed to assisting pre-tenure, untenured and non-permanent faculty with problems or questions you may encounter related to your appointment.