Newsletter | March-April 2019

Wake Forest University AAUP

NEXT MEETING: April 25, 3:30-4:30, ZSR Library 476 (note room change)


  1. Approval of Minutes of March 2018 meeting (Steve Boyd)
    1. Update on Salary Campaign
      1. Meeting with VP Milam; Announcement by Pres. Hatch (Senate/College) re. salaries AY 2019-2020 & 2020-2021 (Steve Boyd)
      1. Report on WFU and Comparison Universities’ Salaries and Benefits (Jane Albrecht)
      1. Identification of Peer Institutions (Senate Compensation: Steve Boyd)
    1.  Non-Tenured Full-Time Faculty: Issues and Plans (Ryan Shirey & Tanisha Ramachandran)
    1. End of Year Gathering (Sarah Hogan)
    1. New Business

Towards Fair Salaries for All Faculty

In 1966, the AAUP, the Association of Governing Boards and the American Council on Education jointly formulated a statement on shared governance, which recognizes that “the faculty should actively participate in the determination of policies and procedures governing salary increases.”

In accordance with that statement and the principle of shared governance, we wrote to President Hatch, Board of Trustees Chair Roach, Provost Kersh and Vice President Milam to follow up on the motions passed in the March 16, 2018 Faculty Senate Meeting (by a strong majority) and the April 9, 2018 College Faculty Meeting (by a vote of 131-2-2) to raise faculty salaries at all ranks, but especially among the ranks of Associate and Assistant Professors and Teaching Professors. The motion states, “BE IT RESOLVED: The Administration and Trustees raise faculty salaries at all ranks to the mean of the nine traditional cross-admit institutions by 2021 and raise salaries for non-tenure track faculty at a similar percentage rate as Assistant Professors.”

Our voice has been heard.  President Hatch announced in the Senate meeting on March 27, 2019 that there will be a significant increase in the salary pool next year and the year after.  We hope that the two-year commitment will take us to where we need to be.

WFU AAUP will continue to monitor salaries, seek increases in the pool and the equitable allocation of salaries among the faculty. 

Join WFU AAUP.  There is strength in numbers and in knowing the facts and figures.  You will find the latest average faculty salary and comparison salary tables on the website,, under Salary Issues (“2017-18 and 2018-19 Average Faculty Salaries, all Ranks, Reynolda Campus and College Only, with Instructor Breakout” and “2017-18 and 2018-19 Comparison of WFU and Nine Cross-admit Faculty Salaries and Benefits“). 

Food for Thought

In 2018, the WFU Faculty Senate passed a resolution that the President of the Senate be added as a permanent member of the Gift Acceptance Committee (GAC). Also in 2018, the Faculty Senate charged a sub-committee to “review the existing COIC (conflict of interest and commitment) policy for the Reynolda Campus, including the constitution and responsibilities of a COIC committee, make any necessary changes, and approve the policy by May 2019” (Senate Minutes, April 18, 2018).

The new gift acceptance policy was approved by the Faculty Senate on March 27, 2019. It strengthens faculty governance and the decision-making processes of the GAC and fully adheres to AAUP guidelines on academy-industry alliances, the American Council on Education, the Association of Governing Boards’ statement on governance of colleges and universities, SACSCOC accreditation standards, and follows best practices of peer universities such as Cornell University’s faculty document on Best Practices Concerning Strategic Corporate Alliances. An excerpt:

For any gift over $50,000 and when any member of the GAC (including the Senate president) raises a concern about academic freedom and responsibility … the GAC shall refer to CAFR [Committee on Academic Freedom and Responsibility] all such donor agreements. The subcommittee will review and submit its analysis to GAC and the Faculty Senate Executive Committee for any gift proposal that impacts curricular and research domains…. If a gift seems closer to a grant, the Gift Acceptance Committee will refer it to the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs as per university standard operating procedures.

CAFR chair Ulrike Wiethaus has invited publication of the approved gift acceptance policy on the website,, where you soon will find it under “Faculty Governance.”

Mission and Goals:

WFU AAUP embraces the mission of the national American Association of University Professors (AAUP) which advances academic freedom and shared governance; defines fundamental professional values and standards for higher education; promotes the economic security of faculty, academic professionals, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and all those engaged in teaching and research in higher education,  helps the higher-education community organize to make our goals a reality; and, advocates for higher education’s contribution to the common good.

Join the National AAUP and support its work: